Sunday, January 6, 2019

Crowdfunding 2 Retire

(Building Your Secure Retirement)

The majority of successful people will tell you 90% or more of their success is because they had a correct understanding of certain key elements before they started out. Not everyone's success is measured financially. However, the success we are looking for in this lesson will be concerned with money.

A key element to understand is this. You are starting from
"somewhere" financially speaking. And you want to have more than you have now. Understanding exactly where you are and exactly "how much more" you want, plus exactly what it will take to move from "here" to "there", is crucial to achieving success.

Here is an example. You may have decided on a certain amount of retirement income to have when you retire. Once you made the decision it's important to have a retirement income (and you better have decided this already), what are the key elements necessary to
"understand" for this to happen?

Creating retirement income, even in the best financial climate, is still a large endeavor. It takes a commitment of time and money over a number of years, if not decades. What if you spend ten, fifteen or twenty years being "wrong", right up to the time you want to retire?

It's a sobering thought and is the key element of this lesson. The consequences are very high and as you will see shortly it is nearly impossible not to be "wrong". Unless you have a "vehicle" to add HORSE POWER to your efforts.

Here's great news! Before we examine the key elements to assuring a solid and ample retirement income you should know this. has so much "Financial Horsepower" you can literally make up for lost decades of time. That is what this lesson is all about.

Be prepared for experiencing mixed emotions. I'm sure you have given thought to retirement and you have perhaps even met with a financial advisor to map out a "game plan". What you will read here is rarely ever revealed to a client by professionals in the
Financial Services field. The reason is, too many of their clients would literally give up on the idea of planning for retirement

Clearly, Financial Advisors and Marketing Agents for the various Financial Services wouldn't have much of a career, if the first thing they did was convince their client it was hopeless before they even started. You don't sell financial products to someone who understands it's pointless to try.

Lets look at the facts. Then you tell me what is wrong with this picture. We'll start with the key elements of planning your retirement income.

Your age when you begin your "plan".
The age when you want to quit working and take your income.
The annual income you plan on having when you retire.
How many years between your age now and your retirement age.
Any adjustments for taxes and inflation during your "savings" years.

The Biggie . . .
How much income you have to work with now.

In the Financial Services world, the amount you have to work with represents the "pay-day" for your Advisor. Therefore, it isn't in his or her best interests to show you a plan
you cannot possibly achieve.

To avoid this from happening you will hear them say things like, "Your living expenses won't be nearly as high..." or "By then your house and bills will all be paid off." Another nice thought, "You'll have your 401k and Social Security, too you know! This purchase won't be the ONLY financial tool in your tool box!"

What they are trying to do is avoid showing you what you are about to see here. The reason will be very clear when we finish.

Working with the key elements outlined above, lets see what reality shows us. A quick note here, we will not take into account taxes or inflation. Where it matters we'll make mention of it. Also, anyone with a $30 financial calculator would come up with the same numbers we come up with. It's just that no one ever sat you down and said, "Look ... this is how it really works out."

Let's say you are in your mid 40's and your earnings now are around $60,000 per year before taxes.

You've chosen to retire at age 65 and in spite of what your Financial Counselor has told you, you've decided you
don't want to take a pay cut when you retire. Good for you! Keep that lifestyle you have become accustomed to and don't let ANYONE talk you into "down-sizing" your life.So, what do we have for our Key Elements?

Age .. 45.

Present income $60k and targeting $60k for retirement income.

20 years to work with.

That's the "text book" planning model for most examples you see in a good Insurance Agent's "example book".
NOTE: There are two approaches to planning retirement income. One is, create a pile of money to draw from later and plan on SPENDING THAT MONEY as well as the interest or earnings that money is generating. It's called "cannibalizing" your pile of money and is a very risky planning tool. You of course don't need to show as big a "Pile" if you are going to use that method.

We will not use that for our example here. The biggest reason is ... how do we know for sure how long you will live? The preferred planning method for retirement projections is to have a slightly bigger "Pile" of money and use ONLY the interest earnings generated by the funds. This is called the
Capital Conservation method. As long as you never touch the "Pile" you can never outlive the income. It's the smarter way to go.

So the question is simple! How much money do I need in my "Pile" to generate or spill out the money I will need for my retirement income? Getting to the answer ... not factoring for taxes or inflation, is pretty straight forward.

If I want
$60,000 per year coming from interest earnings, then knowing how much I need in the "bank" (or money market account or investment vehicle) on deposit is a very straight forward math function from here.$60,000 annual income from my savings

If my money is earning
4% per year I need: $1,500,000 on deposit ($60,000÷4%)

If my money is earning
6% per year I need: $1,000,000 on deposit ($60,000÷6%)

If my money is earning
8% per year I need: $750,000 on deposit ($60,000÷8%)

From a responsible planning perspective when advising people on retirement, You really cannot count on long term earnings that will be better than 8%. Yes, you can go out and purchase a Future's contract or make a "steal" on the market and turn a huge profit. But you can't bank your retirement nest egg in that environment.

It is about this point clients would look at their financial planner and see these numbers and say,
"Looks good, let's do it!"

This is the point where your planner knew
they had no idea how much it really takes on a consistent and disciplined basis to save up $750,000 to $1,500,000. As in seven HUNDRED thousand, to one and a half MILLION dollars in the bank.

This is where your planner also learned it is beyond the ability of most working people to even come close to that.
Here it is:

Working with
20 years and using 6% compounding interest (yes, we picked the middle amount) and factoring no inflation or taxes to keep this simple (it will be bad enough without adding the load of taxes and inflation), this is how much money someone would have to set aside every month for 20 straight years.

To have
$750,000 "in the bank" you must save $1,623.23 . . . every month.

To have
$1,000,000 "in the bank" you must save $2,164.31 . . . every month.

To have
$1,500,000 "in the bank" you must save $3,246.47 . . . every month.

If you are earning $60,000 gross annual income now, your take home would be close to $50,000.

Assuming you have the normal bills, mortgage, cars, 2.5 kids, you probably see a pretty good chunk of that $50,000 take home go out for "living expenses".
To be honest, I have never known anyone with a $50,000 take home pay, jump up and volunteer to "save" $1,600 or more each and every month for retirement out of their budget. Could you?

We're talking about having a monthly take home pay of roughly $4,166. Now your planner tells you to "set aside" $1,623, which will leave you with $2,543.67 to pay your bills, feed your family and have a movie out once in a while.
Does that work?

It didn't for them either!

Clearly, that did not motivate people to save for retirement. It did not motivate them to buy Financial Services. The smart Financial Advisor doesn't show them what it really takes. Instead he/she
"kills the breadwinner off" and builds a story around something they can sell. Like, insurance.

Go back to the beginning of this lesson. What did I say? What happens if you spend years of your life building on a plan that was going to fail by design and you didn't know it?
You need a better solution.

Let's be clear. As far as the amount of money goes and how much it takes to save that amount up, the math won't change. What must change is YOU. You must find a way to increase your "cash flow power", also called your income.

We start with figuring out how much of an increase you need to experience in earnings. Then we figure out what it takes to do that. As far as we know, there are only a few ways to increase the amount of money you earn. Let's look at them.

Let's say for example, to achieve the savings goal you know you must hit, it is decided you must earn 3 times the amount of money you earn today. How would you do that?

Staying with our $50,000 net income level it means we decide you should earn $150,000 annually.

Here are some considerations for accomplishing that. Let's see if we can find one that works.

Some have said if they could
just get smarter they could earn more money. Does that hold up? We know the average IQ is 100 to 120. So we're saying maybe we could increase your IQ to 300 or even 360. Then we would earn $150,000 per year. Ok, maybe not. And this one isn't even possible.

A more reasonable approach and you see it all the time is
the idea of changing careers. So, you simply need to figure out what could you do that pays $150,000 per year and go spend the time and education so you could do that.

In other words, go from office worker (a well paid one) to brain surgeon or lawyer. It happens, but not very often. Most of the time, by the time you are worried about this subject you already have too many demands to allow for this option.
So, the inescapable "second job" or "over-time" comes into play. This one can work because there are a full 24 hours in a day allowing for 3 full-time jobs. Right?

The problem is, it is easy to try and you don't even know you're giving your life away. See, the dollar value of your time doesn't improve enough to off set the fact that you really can't work 24 hours a day. So you don't gain the financial ground you need and the rest of your life begins to suffer.

Of course, there is always the financial investment world. Gain ground rapidly by putting your money to work in extraordinary ways. Wait. Our problem is not enough investment money in the first place. Scrap that one for now.

We have just exhausted what most people think of on their own, as their only options for significantly improving their financial world. What happens when all this sinks in, is they take a big "sigh" and resolve to come up with "something" LATER.

Can you see the dilemma? When is later? We all know LATER is always too late.

Now you are ready to see what a powerful financial tool you have with Real world power to affect your financial life in a major positive way. Ready?

From a pure “Contribution” perspective is in a class of it's own for ease of promotion and working with it. And your Contribution Plan is also in a complete class of it's own.

All you need to know, is what you need to do to earn significant retirement income . . . with your Contribution Plan.

What we are really asking is, if you want to triple your current income from $50,000 to $150,000, where are your best odds out of the options we have looked at so far?

In review, we looked at tripling your IQ, going back to school, working 3 jobs or investing money we don't have anyway. Don't be depressed just because none of those options will work.

What does it take in your business to receive $150,000 annual income?

I want to give you some real world down home talking to.

You are going to either get old and
"have money" or get old and "be broke". There is no real in-between.

Look around you. You see people in your community in their late 50's and 60's and 70's or older. Don't they fall into one of two fairly clear distinctions? They either have PLENTY of money and demonstrate that by having nice cars, home free and clear, motor home in the garage and travel frequently . . .
or they don't have that.
Now, what if you spent TWENTY YEARS or so, following some watered down "program" of saving money that didn't work and you just now found that out? Wouldn't you have appreciated it if someone "back then" had told you, "Hey ... take a look at something here. It may be an answer!"

And then they showed YOU

Power of Two Net Cycle / Monthly Weekly x 4 Daily x 30
SILVER $50.00 $200.00 $1,500.00
GOLD $100.00 $400.00 $3,000.00
EMERALD $200.00 $800.00 $6,000.00
DIAMOND $400.00 $1,600.00 $12,000.00
CROWN $800.00 $3,200.00 $24,000.00
Monthly Totals $1,550.00 $6,200.00 $46,000.00
Yearly Totals $18,000.00 $74,400.00 $558,000.00
Based on the “Power of Duplication” of everyone referring only 2 people:

Based on a ONE TIME out of pocket Contribution $29 by each contributing member,
All income examples are for illustration purposes only.
Examples are NOT intended as forecasts or predictions of your earnings
With the Contribution Plan you have in your hands, you can see the power when you refer 2 "like minded people" within your first week, who want financial and time freedom and you assist each of those 2 people to "duplicate" their efforts. Having a Network of just less than 10,000 people is absolutely doable. I personally achieved a Network of 30,000 people in just 18 months, all without the internet, email or cell phones! And these were NOT people from my warm market, ALL Strangers!! S
So who do you know that has $29 and would like to retire in a year or two?

Do you remember how much money You needed in the bank to create that kind of income from our savings? I'll tell you! To generate $60,000 in a year from savings at 6% you need on deposit: $1,000,000
Let's go back to the beginning. What would it mean to you to avoid spending 10 or 15 years or more of your life being WRONG about something as important as preparing a solid financial future for yourself?

You have the power to create an
ASSET worth Millions, by simply spending the next "however long it takes", to build a business with just TWO PEOPLE that you literally camp out with until THEY get just TWO people of their own. And pass that commitment down to just 12 levels below you.CAN YOU DO THAT OVER THE NEXT 1 to 3 YEARS? I know you can. If it took you that long, at least you would win the game!

Our job at is to give you the information, tools and incentives to get the job done. We are here for YOU. This is your opportunity. Make something significant for yourself with it. Visit today!
It's that Simple and Easy!

~ Sally Puckett
(775) 316-6214 cell/text
Pahrump, NV

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