Friday, December 14, 2018

Crowdfunding is now Affordable and Automated!

Power of TwoNet Cycle / MonthlyWeekly x 4Daily x 30
Monthly Totals$1,550.00$6,200.00$46,000.00
Yearly Totals$18,000.00$74,400.00$558,000.00
Based on the “Power of Duplication” of everyone referring only 2 people:

Based on a ONE TIME out of pocket Contribution $29 by each contributing member,
All income examples are for illustration purposes only.
Examples are NOT intended as forecasts or predictions of your earnings
With the Contribution Plan you have in your hands, you can see the power when you refer 2 "like minded people" within your first week, who want financial and time freedom and you assist each of those 2 people to "duplicate" their efforts. 
So who do you know that has $29 and would like to retire in a year or two?

Sally Puckett
(775) 316-6214