Sunday, December 16, 2018

Gary's Crowdfunding Request

WARNING! Graphic Photos!
Gary's Story:

In 1985, at age 32, my husband Gary came down with full body, disfiguring eczema.  After years and thousands of dollars, all doctors could do for him is put him on steroids and antibiotics for the next 32 years.  It was a miserable life for such a good looking and strong man.  His hands and feet looked like ground hamburger, his arms, legs and torso were in a constant rash to the point where his skin was scarred to the point where he lost all the hair on them.

Then in December of 2017, his Dermatologist recommended he apply for a free trial study on a new eczema drug, Dupixent. He was accepted in February, 2018.  It was a miracle!  At age 64, his skin looked like the man I married 34 years prior!  The only challenge was, the Dupixent cost $1,500 a dose (shot) and the dosage is 2 shots a month for a cost of $3,000.

Before Dupixent

After Dupixent
Gary on his 65th Birthday after 6 months of Dupixent!
65 year old Gary Receiving his 2nd place certificate in his first ever 5k run! The 42 year old Colonel and Base Commander in green came in first.

Here is our financial challenge. We live solely on Social Security. Because Gary had to quit working in 1996 due to his health, our Social Security checks are rather limited to say the least.  We are unable to afford insurance, Medicare Part B and D. His Free Dupixent runs out in January 2019.  It is heart wrenching to think he is going to revert back.

So I am asking for as many small donations / contributions of $29 each to his cause and medical bills.  We have now encountered a new skin challenge, Stage 2 melanoma on his chest.  Please help if you can. 

Kindly go to and click on the "Join" button and make your $29 donation. 

Thanking you in advance for your Donation.  Bless You.

~ Sally (Sarah) Puckett